Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dice Math

To help practice our math facts we have been using dice.  Today we worked on doubles.  We get with a partner, one person rolls the die, then doubles that number.  Next you get to cover that number on the paper.  Then it is the partner's turn.  It is kind of like bingo!  It is a fun game and we are practicing our math facts at the same time!

Monday, August 24, 2009

We have enjoyed our time getting to know each other!  Mrs. Blunt read a book called Elmer about an elephant that is different from the other elephants.  We talked about respecting one another's differences.  We should like people for who they are on the inside not the outside. 

Friday, August 14, 2009

We have had a great first week! We have had a lot of fun getting to know each other. One way we get to know each other is by graphing things about ourselves. This first week, we got to go up to our new interactive Mead board to graph whether we are a boy or girl. We love our new Mead board!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Groundhog Day!

We made our own groundhogs out of paper and a popsicle stick. Then we took them outside and stuck them in the ground to see if they saw they "saw" their shadow. We left them and went back an hour later and guess what.......six more weeks of winter! Everyone's groundhog had a shadow behind it! :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We will be participating in another online project. During this project we will be making and sending 25 Christmas cards to many different states along with 1 to Japan. This means we will be receiving cards from those places also! We have a map hanging on the wall ready to mark all of the places we receive cards from. It will be fun making the cards and learning some geography at the same time!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cookie Turkeys!

The day before we left for Thanksgiving break we made cookie turkeys. They were lots of fun to make and even more fun to eat!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Party!

Our Halloween Party was a lot of fun! We had Monster Mash(ice cream sundaes). We played several games. A special thanks to a few mom's that came to help out: Mrs. Reed(Riley's mom), Mrs. Maxwell(James' mom), & Mrs. Casey(Daniel's mom). Also, a big thanks to everyone for sending the goodies we needed to make our Monster Mash! Thank you! Thank you!

Welcome to our Multiage Blog! We are Mrs.Blunt's Brainy Bunch. We hope you enjoy your visit!

We got to check out their brand new firetruck!

The firemen were telling us about their gear.

Here We Are!

Here We Are!
We took time to pose for the camera!