Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We will be participating in another online project. During this project we will be making and sending 25 Christmas cards to many different states along with 1 to Japan. This means we will be receiving cards from those places also! We have a map hanging on the wall ready to mark all of the places we receive cards from. It will be fun making the cards and learning some geography at the same time!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cookie Turkeys!

The day before we left for Thanksgiving break we made cookie turkeys. They were lots of fun to make and even more fun to eat!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Party!

Our Halloween Party was a lot of fun! We had Monster Mash(ice cream sundaes). We played several games. A special thanks to a few mom's that came to help out: Mrs. Reed(Riley's mom), Mrs. Maxwell(James' mom), & Mrs. Casey(Daniel's mom). Also, a big thanks to everyone for sending the goodies we needed to make our Monster Mash! Thank you! Thank you!

Pumpkin Seed Count

We participated in another online project at www.jenuinetech.com. For this project Mrs. Blunt bought a 4.5 lb pumpkin for us to use. We got to touch it, smell it, listen to it(by tapping on it), and look at it. We then discussed our findings. Some thought the pumpkin did not smell good, some did. Some thought it was bumpy, others thought it was smooth. Then Mrs. Blunt told us about the word circumference. We got to cut off a piece of yarn that we thought was the circumference of the pumpkin. Chase got the closest!
Next we each guessed how many seeds we thought we would find inside the pumpkin. Most of us guessed around 100. Mrs. Blunt cut open the pumpkin and scooped out seeds at each of our tables. We grouped the seeds in groups of 10. After we counted them all, our pumpkin had a total of 404 seeds! We had a good time and learned a lot too!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

O.R.E.O. Project Results!

We had sooo much fun with the OREO project! We guessed how many we thought we would stack, then got two chances to stack as many as we could. Our class average was 20 cookies stacked!

As one person stacked, their partner would put a tally mark on their sheet. It took lots of team work.

We also practiced Expectation # 4 - "We will cheer each other to success."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

O.R.E.O Project

Our Multiage Family will be participating in the online O.R.E.O. project throught the following website http://www.jenuinetech.com. The goal of the project is to estimate (predict), count, collect data, share, and compare information. Each student will estimate (guess, predict) how many Oreo's he or she can stack (without using support). After the student has estimated how many he/she can stack they will attempt to stack Oreo's as high as they can. Each student will have only two attempts. Students will create an individual graph, graphing the amount of Oreo's they were able to stack. After everyone has completed two attemps we will calculate the class average. Once we have completed our class average we will post our data online and compare to other participating classes from around the world! All final results will be posted after October 15th.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mon: Look over spelling words & read your book(s) in your reading bag
Tues: Spelling words & read 1 story in your hardback reader
Wed: Word sort & read your book(s) in your reading bag
Thurs: Spelling words & both stories in your hardback reader

Monday, September 22, 2008

Apple Flips

We made apple flips in the classroom. The students enjoyed patting their biscuits to make them flat. Once they were flat we added canned apple, folded them over, sprinkled cinnamon & sugar, then baked! When we got back from PE, we had YUMMY apple flips! They were fun and good to eat!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Box Tops for Education

Our school is collecting Box Tops. Please clip Box Top coupons - each one is worth 10 cents for our school. Mrs. Blunt is sending home ziplock baggies for you to hang on your refrigerator so it's easy to see and easy to collect the Box Tops you clip. Box Tops can be found on hundreds of quality products from brands like these: General Mills, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Ziplock, Kleenex, Hefty, & many more. Visit http://www.boxtops4education.com/ for a complete list of participating brands and to learn more about how you can help our school.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Go Tigers!

Cody from the Tiger Football team came by to see us Friday. He let us sign his t-shirt. He said he was going to wear it under his shoulder pads Friday night to give him good luck. I hope we helped!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Favorite Things About School So Far

We are off to a FANTASTIC year! Here are some of our favorite things about school: PE - Rick; Computers - IceLei; Recess - Jesus; Library - Elizabeth; Library - Makayla; Drawing pictures for my friends - James; Recess - Justi; Reading time - Arlethe; Saying the flag salute - Lilly; Music - Austin; Music - Brittney; Saying the Oklahoma & U.S. flag salutes - Ryan; Friends - Chase; Computers - Gideon; Computers - Tommy; Computers - Riley; Computers - Daniel; PE - Jasmin; Music - Miranda

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's Almost Here!

School is just around the corner! One week to be exact! Wow! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer break. I am looking forward to meeting all of the new members of our family and catching up the the second year students. The Summer Social is Monday, August 11th, from 4:30-6:30. I hope to see you there. You may bring your supplies and leave them, we will be putting them away on the first day of school.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Multiage Music Program was an absolute HIT! The children had a wonderful time performing 'It's A Jungle Out There".

Thank you to all of the parents who worked on costumes and helped the children memorize speaking parts.

The children put on a show for the school in the afternoon. Later that evening the parents got to come enjoy watching their children. Every parent I spoke with loved the show!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Congratulations to Parker and Ryan! They are the art show winners for our class. I heard it was a tough decision because EVERYONE did such a good job!

Last Friday, April 4th, we went on a field trip to the Oklahoma Aquarium in Jenks. It was such a nice relaxing day.

While at the aquarium we got to touch sharkeggs, sting rays, and sharks. We also got to feed the sting rays and turtles.

The exhibit with Native Oklahma animals was really neat! We saw the beavers eating and the otters playing.

Welcome to our Multiage Blog! We are Mrs.Blunt's Brainy Bunch. We hope you enjoy your visit!

We got to check out their brand new firetruck!

The firemen were telling us about their gear.

Here We Are!

Here We Are!
We took time to pose for the camera!