Tuesday, October 7, 2008

O.R.E.O. Project Results!

We had sooo much fun with the OREO project! We guessed how many we thought we would stack, then got two chances to stack as many as we could. Our class average was 20 cookies stacked!

As one person stacked, their partner would put a tally mark on their sheet. It took lots of team work.

We also practiced Expectation # 4 - "We will cheer each other to success."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

O.R.E.O Project

Our Multiage Family will be participating in the online O.R.E.O. project throught the following website http://www.jenuinetech.com. The goal of the project is to estimate (predict), count, collect data, share, and compare information. Each student will estimate (guess, predict) how many Oreo's he or she can stack (without using support). After the student has estimated how many he/she can stack they will attempt to stack Oreo's as high as they can. Each student will have only two attempts. Students will create an individual graph, graphing the amount of Oreo's they were able to stack. After everyone has completed two attemps we will calculate the class average. Once we have completed our class average we will post our data online and compare to other participating classes from around the world! All final results will be posted after October 15th.
Welcome to our Multiage Blog! We are Mrs.Blunt's Brainy Bunch. We hope you enjoy your visit!

We got to check out their brand new firetruck!

The firemen were telling us about their gear.

Here We Are!

Here We Are!
We took time to pose for the camera!