Our Halloween Party was a lot of fun! We had Monster Mash(ice cream sundaes). We played several games. A special thanks to a few mom's that came to help out: Mrs. Reed(Riley's mom), Mrs. Maxwell(James' mom), & Mrs. Casey(Daniel's mom). Also, a big thanks to everyone for sending the goodies we needed to make our Monster Mash! Thank you! Thank you!
We participated in another online project at www.jenuinetech.com. For this project Mrs. Blunt bought a 4.5 lb pumpkin for us to use. We got to touch it, smell it, listen to it(by tapping on it), and look at it. We then discussed our findings. Some thought the pumpkin did not smell good, some did. Some thought it was bumpy, others thought it was smooth. Then Mrs. Blunt told us about the word circumference. We got to cut off a piece of yarn that we thought was the circumference of the pumpkin. Chase got the closest! Next we each guessed how many seeds we thought we would find inside the pumpkin. Most of us guessed around 100. Mrs. Blunt cut open the pumpkin and scooped out seeds at each of our tables. We grouped the seeds in groups of 10. After we counted them all, our pumpkin had a total of 404 seeds! We had a good time and learned a lot too!
We are a Multiage 1st/2nd grade class with 21 students. Our teacher, Mrs. Blunt, is going to help us maintain our blog. We will be posting comments together. We hope you visit us often and leave us some positive comments.
Our Multiage family is comprised of children 6-9 years of age. It is a “non-graded” classroom that has two grades combined (first and second). Students who enter as "first graders" stay for at least two years, sometimes three. The purpose of our classroom is to provide experiences for learning while giving each student the opportunity to find success on their own path of growth: socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Our curriculum is largely theme based, integrating all areas of learning: reading, spelling, writing, math, science, and social studies. Each child is viewed as an individual member of a community of learners, “a family”. Our Multiage features all areas of instruction: large group, flexible small group instruction, and individual instruction. The curriculum is based around the Oklahoma PASS, National Standards, & the district's instructional expectations for first/second grade. Every child is working on their own independent level and moving forward, not being left behind. Our Multiage Family is a place where children are loved and encouraged. They are helped to discover their own interests, talents, and abilities. Each student is valued, listened to, encouraged, and given many choices every day. Our program implements a “hands on” approach to learning. Mrs. Blunt has high expectations for every student! Her goal is for every child to experience success while being challenged.
About Mrs. Blunt
This is my tenth year of teaching. My fifth year to teach Multiage - and I love it! I have been married for 8 years. My husband is the PE teacher at another elementary school here in Tahlequah. We have 2 children: Jaxon is 6 and Macie is 4. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family in my free time.
Daily Schedule
8:10 School Starts
11:20-11:50 Lunch
11:55-12:12 Recess
1:40-1:55 Snack
2:10-3:05 PE, Music, Library, Computers
3:10 Dismissal
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