Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Congratulations to Handsome Jesus, Jazzy Jasmine, Incredible IceLei, Delightful Dalton, and Cheerful Chase for having perfect attendance for the first 9 weeks of school. They received a certificate and a necklace. Way to Go!!


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Brainy Bunch! We are proud of your perfect attendance students! Check out our posting for fun math games online. We liked the game Rock Hopper & Coin Count. See you all at recess! Mrs. Jones' Junior Geniuses

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to those who received perfect attendance awards. That is quite an accomplishment! Your blog is very informative and I'm delighted to read about all the things your class to learning.

Mrs. Hathcoat

Welcome to our Multiage Blog! We are Mrs.Blunt's Brainy Bunch. We hope you enjoy your visit!

We got to check out their brand new firetruck!

The firemen were telling us about their gear.

Here We Are!

Here We Are!
We took time to pose for the camera!